what did you think about the final 3 in project runway?? i am not a kenley fan but she did bring it for the runway show (i really liked her bridesmaid's dress). i was disappointed in jerell. i was not a fan of that bridesmaid's dress or the whole chain thing he was feeling in his collection. but i am sad to see him go. i think i am going to have to pull for leanne for the winner; i really like the architectural elements she puts in her garments and her bridesmaid's dress was so pretty...whose your pick??
as for the top design (which i unfortunately snoozed a little during...i mean it was for like 5 minutes), congrats to eddie for his win!! you go!! however, i so thought you should have won the floral arrangement...
alright, i am going to be late taking my daughter to school....pitiful- i need a life!!